How Can An EPC For Your Home Help You Make It More Energy Efficient?


An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document from the government that shows the current and future energy efficiency of a home. It displays a rating from A to G, with A being the most economical and energy-efficient. A list of tasks that could improve the home's energy efficiency is also provided. In the UK, you will require an EPC whether you are buying, renting, or building a house. You can save money each year and raise the property's value with EPC. Your energy bills will go down if you increase energy efficiency. Your house maintains its improved heat. But that only tells a portion of the tale. Wall insulation, double glazing, and solar panels are examples of energy-saving improvements that can raise the value of your house.

When is an EPC required? 

When constructing, selling, or renting a home in the UK, an EPC is legally needed. The EPC certificate must be sent to your estate agent if you are selling a home. You are required to provide an EPC to the landlord if you rent an apartment. Additionally, if the home is used and you live in Scotland, you must display an EPC on the property. You can ask your estate agent or landlord for an EPC if you are purchasing or renting a home. You will gain a better understanding of your home's heating efficiency and what changes could increase it.

What's the way an EPC works?

When your home is sold or rented out, an energy assessor will come to your house to perform the energy efficiency survey. The assessor will measure the rooms and record the sizes of the heating systems and types of insulation used in the home. They will measure and document their inspection to support their conclusions and suggestions.

In less than a week, the homeowner should receive the EPC after the assessment, which shouldn't take more than a few hours. A new evaluation is not necessary if the EPC was completed within 10 years of the residence being sold or rented and no improvements have been made. An accredited on-construction home energy assessor (OCDEA) does a remote survey while a house is being built. They consider building plans rather than visual inspection.


Making your home energy efficient should be simple and economical, according to EPC GO. However, a disproportionate number of people find it challenging and expensive to increase their homes' energy efficiency. We are developing an intuitive web platform that automates all of the legwork for you because of this. Our objective is to assist numerous people in making their homes more energy-efficient. Therefore, we keep our customers in mind when making decisions.

We maintain simplicity

Making your home energy efficient doesn't require you to be an expert. Our Domestic Energy Assessor Chelmsford experts make every effort to keep things straightforward in the UK.

Reviving growth

Time is running out to minimize carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. And the strain on people's budgets is unbearable. So, we can't just remain still. We won't be able to make the enormous strides necessary to make homes even more energy-efficient unless we keep innovating.


How Valuable Is For Your Property To Have An EPC?



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